Starting over

As a family we have been richly blessed, with wonderful extended family and great friends in our lives. Without any of you we wouldn't be who we are. We love you all and thank you for your support as we start over and continue on our new adventure through life.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ok so we finally found our way to the public library in town..small but works. The boys got to sit in some air conditiong and read books, play quiet games, etc.

We have been moving forward in preparing the farm to make it suitable to live on..TONS of work! But so worth it in the long run!

This morning as Nathan left for work he came across a Doe with three fawns..interesting never thought of deer having triplets.

Monday night we had dinner with a family in our ward. It was a very good dinner..can never go wrong with hamburgers..mmmm! We took over some apple pie, the filling I canned in AZ before we left. Nate made the crust at home then attempted to cook it on the grill..but we ran out of we had to finish it up at the Kesslers. While we were there Nathan went with brother Kessler to check the water. While I visited. When they got back we dove into the apple pie, peach cobbler and brownies..

Somehow we managed to bring home another kitten..cute little girl all grey..and little. The kittens are three months old, but they are just a smaller cat. We now have our two sweet girls